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Sura 24
Aya 40
أَو كَظُلُماتٍ في بَحرٍ لُجِّيٍّ يَغشاهُ مَوجٌ مِن فَوقِهِ مَوجٌ مِن فَوقِهِ سَحابٌ ۚ ظُلُماتٌ بَعضُها فَوقَ بَعضٍ إِذا أَخرَجَ يَدَهُ لَم يَكَد يَراها ۗ وَمَن لَم يَجعَلِ اللَّهُ لَهُ نورًا فَما لَهُ مِن نورٍ

Aisha Bewley

Or they are like the darkness of a fathomless sea which is covered by waves above which are waves above which are clouds, layers of darkness, one upon the other. If he puts out his hand, he can scarcely see it. Those Allah gives no light to, they have no light.