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Sura 28
Aya 53
وَإِذا يُتلىٰ عَلَيهِم قالوا آمَنّا بِهِ إِنَّهُ الحَقُّ مِن رَبِّنا إِنّا كُنّا مِن قَبلِهِ مُسلِمينَ

Yusuf Ali

And when it is recited to them, they say: “We believe therein, for it is the Truth from our Lord: indeed we have been Muslims (bowing to God’s Will) from before this.1
  • There were Christians and Jews who recognised that Islam was a logical and natural development of God’s revelations as given in earlier ages, and they not only welcomed and accepted Islam, but claimed, and rightly, that they had always been Muslims. In that sense Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus had all been Muslims. (R).