63 Preface قالَ الَّذينَ حَقَّ عَلَيهِمُ القَولُ رَبَّنا هٰؤُلاءِ الَّذينَ أَغوَينا أَغوَيناهُم كَما غَوَينا ۖ تَبَرَّأنا إِلَيكَ ۖ ما كانوا إِيّانا يَعبُدونَAli Quli QaraiThose against whom the word had become due will say, ‘Our Lord! These are the ones whom we have perverted. We perverted them as we were perverse ourselves. We plead for non-liability before You: it was not us that they worshipped.’