63قالَ الَّذينَ حَقَّ عَلَيهِمُ القَولُ رَبَّنا هٰؤُلاءِ الَّذينَ أَغوَينا أَغوَيناهُم كَما غَوَينا ۖ تَبَرَّأنا إِلَيكَ ۖ ما كانوا إِيّانا يَعبُدونَAhmed & SamiraThose who the saying/opinion and belief became deserved on (to) them said: "Our Lord, those (are) those who we misguided , we misguided them as/like we were misguided we declared innocence to You, they were not (to) us worshipping."