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Sura 28
Aya 76
۞ إِنَّ قارونَ كانَ مِن قَومِ موسىٰ فَبَغىٰ عَلَيهِم ۖ وَآتَيناهُ مِنَ الكُنوزِ ما إِنَّ مَفاتِحَهُ لَتَنوءُ بِالعُصبَةِ أُولِي القُوَّةِ إِذ قالَ لَهُ قَومُهُ لا تَفرَح ۖ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لا يُحِبُّ الفَرِحينَ

Laleh Bakhtiar

Truly, Korah had been of the folk of Moses, but he was insolent towards them. And We gave him of the treasures which truly, the keys of it were a heavy ordeal to many imbued with strength.Mention when His folk said to him: Exult not. Truly, God loves not the exultant.