55 Preface يَومَ يَغشاهُمُ العَذابُ مِن فَوقِهِم وَمِن تَحتِ أَرجُلِهِم وَيَقولُ ذوقوا ما كُنتُم تَعمَلونَYusuf AliOn the Day that the Punishment shall cover them from above them and from below them,1 and (a Voice) shall say: “Taste ye (the fruits) of your deeds!”2Cf. a similar phrase in 6:65.This is not merely a reproach, but a justification of the Punishment. “It is you who brought it on yourselves by your evil deeds: blame none but yourselves. God’s Mercy gave you many chances: His Justice has now overtaken you.”