6 Preface وَمَن جاهَدَ فَإِنَّما يُجاهِدُ لِنَفسِهِ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَغَنِيٌّ عَنِ العالَمينَYusuf AliAnd if any strive (with might and main), they do so for their own souls:1 for God is free of all needs from all creation.All our striving ensures to our own spiritual benefit. When we speak of serving God, it is not that we confer any benefit on Him. For He has no needs, and is independent of all His Creation (Cf. 14:8). In conforming to His Will, we are seeking our own good, as in yielding to evil we are doing harm to ourselves.