43 Preface فَأَقِم وَجهَكَ لِلدّينِ القَيِّمِ مِن قَبلِ أَن يَأتِيَ يَومٌ لا مَرَدَّ لَهُ مِنَ اللَّهِ ۖ يَومَئِذٍ يَصَّدَّعونَYusuf AliBut set thou thy face to the right Religion before there come from God the Day which there is1 no chance of averting: on that Day shall men be divided (in two).2We should recover the balance of what has been upset by Evil and Falsehood before it is too late. For a Day will surely come when true values will be restored and all falsehood and evil will be destroyed. Nothing but repentance and amendment can avert the consequences of Evil. When the Day actually comes, repentance will be too late: for the impassable barrier between Evil and Good will have been fixed, and the chance of return to God’s pattern will have been lost.The sharp division will then have been accomplished between the unfortunate ones who rejected Truth and Faith and will suffer for their rejection, and the righteous ones who will attain Peace and Salvation: see next verse. Note that the state of the Blessed will not merely be a passive state. They will actively earn and contribute to their own happiness: “they will spread their couch of repose for themselves.”